The Film Squad
Love movies? Join the club.

Client: SKYCITY Cinemas

Agency: .99

Collaborators: Ant Sang (Illustrator)

This launch campaign for a cinema loyalty programme is still one of my favourite projects. I created six characters based on six stereotypical cinema-goers, and brought them to life with the help of brilliant comic book artist Ant Sang, the man behind the character designs for bro’Town. I even got to use a line from The Princess Bride.

We used street posters, University magazines, radio, POS and in-cinema ads to launch, and keep the characters fresh with regular updates on their own website.

When The Film Squad launched, Facebook was nearly invisible in New Zealand. Yet we pulled in over 100,000 members in its first six months, a feat that earned two Bronzes at the 2006 RSVP Awards.


Mansons Gift Box


Shark Bus