RUSH Digital
value propositions

Client: RUSH Digital
Nic Hall, Byron Taylor at Moments Productions.

It’s always easier working on a brand you believe in. I first met the team at RUSH when I came in to work on the Headstrong project and I felt an instant affinity for them, becoming part of the extended family.

Jump ahead a couple of years and I was asked to work on their brand proposition and their EVP.

In the tech sector, two audiences matter: potential clients and potential employees. You need the latter to make awesome things for the former. So, I created an outward facing brand proposition and an inward facing employee value proposition that could work in tandem.

Make better happen.

The brand proposition is a super flexible framework that captures RUSH’s reason for being, issues an invitation to clients and collaborators, and can adapt to fit different messages.

We created a new website to hero this proposition and a brand video to communicate what it meant in more depth.

RUSH’s marketing team have been able to pick up and easily execute their own creative using the proposition.

View the RUSH website here.

Better happens here.

The employment value proposition works alongside the brand line to give potential employees a reason to believe that RUSH is the smart next step in their career.

We created a new careers website (with an awesome video created by RUSH with Moments Productions) to unpack what the line means for current and potential members of the team.

View the RUSH Careers website here.


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